Welcome to your School District of Palm Beach County Family Dashboard Account!

Option #1
If this is your first visit:

  1. Choose 'Create Family Dashboard Account' button below
  2. Complete the Guardian Profile
  3. Log into the Family Dashboard
  4. Add your child(ren) to your SDPBC Family Dashboard Account. If you have more than one child, repeat this step by selecting "Associate Student" until all of your children are added to the account.
  5. Complete the appropriate Application(s).

Option #2
If you already have an account:

  1. Log into the Family Dashboard
  2. Complete the application(s).

*If this is your first visit to the SDPBC Family Dashboard, you must create a new account. This is a new application management system so all users are required to create a new account on their first visit. 

Invalid Email or Password

Email Address:


Department of Choice and Career Options - The School District of Palm Beach County
3300 Forest Hill Boulevard. C-124  
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Phone: (561) 434-8755
Email: choicequestions@palmbeachschools.org


For Technical Support Contact:

Scribbles Software
Email: help@scribsoft.com